South African Companies
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Companies MAINTMAN
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Business Summary
MAINTMAN is an Primary Co-Operative business incorporated in South Africa on December 14, 2009. Their business is recorded as Deregistration Process. The activity is registered as MAINTENANCE,CONSTRUCTION,PLUMBING,ELECTRICAL,FACILITIES MANAGEMENT. It is not part of a group. The company has no filed accounts. The company was incorporated 16 years ago.
Business informations
Identification number:
Primary Co-Operative
Deregistration Process
Status History
Standard Industrial Classification
Register date
Postal Address
P O BOX 7762 SEC UNDA 2302
*Our website contains only public informations on companies from South Africa .
Type informations
A co-operative is a distinct form of enterprise that provides services and/or products to its members. Profits, known as surpluses in a co-operative, are divided among members in relation to the amount of the business each member did with the co-operative.
For example the co-operative could buy in bulk the inputs the members need to produce a certain product (e.g. flour to bake bread and cakes). The members then produce the product and the co-operative market sells it on their behalf (e.g. the bread and cakes are sold to the public by the co-operative).
For example the co-operative could buy in bulk the inputs the members need to produce a certain product (e.g. flour to bake bread and cakes). The members then produce the product and the co-operative market sells it on their behalf (e.g. the bread and cakes are sold to the public by the co-operative).
Key Financials
Key Financials are not available as MAINTMAN has not filed accounts. Accounts are required to be filed on or before 20/09/2013.
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Directors and Secretaries
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Current Officer Name | Appointed |
Mr Jack Roswald | 2014-06-31 |
Mr Jim Taylor | 2013-06-31 |
Mr Sam Ronald | 2012-06-31 |
Company Documents
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Document Type | Date Filed |
AR01 Annual Retur | 2014-03-31 |
AD01 Change of registered office address | 2013-12-31 |
AD01 Change of registered office address | 2013-06-31 |
SH01 Return of Allotment of shares | 2012-04-31 |
NEWINC New Incorporation documents. | 2011-03-31 |
The information provided on is amalgamated from a variety of sources. We aim to provide the most comprehensive data , however this is dependant on the level of information filed in the public domain. Our company checks are provided as a guideline. We advise our visitors to express caution if in doubt, and to seek professional advice before commencing legal action, based on any information contained herein. sources data in good faith that the content is accurate, and therefore cannot take any responsibility for the consequences of inaccuracies.