South African Companies
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Companies GOLDEX 335
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Business Summary
GOLDEX 335 is an Non Profit Company business incorporated in South Africa on April 22, 2004. Their business is recorded as In Business. The activity is registered as other community. It is not part of a group. The company has no filed accounts. The company was incorporated 21 years ago.
Business informations
Identification number:
Non Profit Company
In Business
Status History
Standard Industrial Classification
other community
Register date
Postal Address
P O BOX 35465 MENLO PARK 0102
*Our website contains only public informations on companies from South Africa .
Type informations
The non-profit company (NPC) is dealt with in Schedule 1 to the Act, and is regarded as a successor to the section 21 company in the 1973 Act. An NPC must be incorporated by three or more persons, and formed for a lawful purpose. That purpose must relate to the public benefit; otherwise it must have an object relating to one or more cultural or social activities, or communal or group interests. These may include the promotion of religion, arts, sciences, education, charity or recreation.
The income and property of an NPC are not distributable to its incorporators, members, directors, officers or persons related to any of these people (except to the extent permitted by item 1(3) of Schedule 1). All profits are to be applied solely to the promotion of the NPC's main object.
The income and property of an NPC are not distributable to its incorporators, members, directors, officers or persons related to any of these people (except to the extent permitted by item 1(3) of Schedule 1). All profits are to be applied solely to the promotion of the NPC's main object.
Key Financials
Key Financials are not available as GOLDEX 335 has not filed accounts. Accounts are required to be filed on or before 20/09/2013.
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Directors and Secretaries
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Current Officer Name | Appointed |
Mr Jack Roswald | 2014-06-31 |
Mr Jim Taylor | 2013-06-31 |
Mr Sam Ronald | 2012-06-31 |
Company Documents
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Document Type | Date Filed |
AR01 Annual Retur | 2014-03-31 |
AD01 Change of registered office address | 2013-12-31 |
AD01 Change of registered office address | 2013-06-31 |
SH01 Return of Allotment of shares | 2012-04-31 |
NEWINC New Incorporation documents. | 2011-03-31 |
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