Companies BOMACON


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Business Summary

BOMACON is an Close Corporation business incorporated in South Africa on May 26, 1993. Their business is recorded as Provisional Liquidation. It is not part of a group. The company has no filed accounts. The company was incorporated 31 years ago.

Business informations

  • Name


  • Identification number:


  • -

  • Type

    Close Corporation

  • Status

    Provisional Liquidation

  • Status History

    20/11/1997 In Liquidation
  • Register date


  • Address


  • Postal Address

    POSBUS 962 TZANEEN 0850

*Our website contains only public informations on companies from South Africa .

Type informations

Since May 1, 2011, it has been impossible to incorporate a new close corporation in South Africa. There are, however, still hundreds of thousands of close corporations in existence. They are regulated chiefly by the Close Corporations Act.

A close corporation is a juristic person distinct from its members. It enjoys perpetual succession, and its members have limited liability. It has the capacity and the powers of a natural person, and is encumbered by a minimal number of formalities. It may be formed by a single person. It does not deal in shares and share capital; instead, there are "members' interests," which are determined as a percentage of ownership.

There are, with close corporations, no strict rules relating to the maintenance of capital, and they also enjoy flexibility in the arrangement of their internal relationships. There are no directors: All members have an equal say, but they carry the risk of personal liability. The fiduciary duties and duties of care and skill are codified, and the accounting and disclosure provisions are less extensive for a close corporation than for, say, a public company.

Key Financials

Key Financials are not available as BOMACON has not filed accounts. Accounts are required to be filed on or before 20/09/2013.

Related companies

Directors and Secretaries

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Current Officer NameAppointed
Mr Jack Roswald 2014-06-31
Mr Jim Taylor 2013-06-31
Mr Sam Ronald 2012-06-31

Company Documents

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Document TypeDate Filed
AR01 Annual Retur 2014-03-31
AD01 Change of registered office address 2013-12-31
AD01 Change of registered office address 2013-06-31
SH01 Return of Allotment of shares 2012-04-31
NEWINC New Incorporation documents. 2011-03-31



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